Year of the Biscuit

Hello 2023, and hello again blog. It has been a minute. It already feels good to be writing and sharing again, after an unplanned hiatus. 2022 was a tough year for a variety of reasons that I won’t go into, but there was one wonderful update to my life: a sweet and mischievous little kitten called Biscuit.

In the summer of 2022 a friend of B’s announced that unfortunately, his cat had accidentally been knocked up, despite his best efforts to prevent it. B, knowing my intense adoration of cats, immediately volunteered to take a kitten off their hands. I can say with full honesty I think its been the single best decision he’s ever made!

I mean, just look at that little face!

But although she looks like an angelic little baby (and she is), she is also a rascal. From attacking people’s hair to climbing the curtains, she finds new (mostly destructive, sometimes painful) ways to have fun everyday.

I can’t stay mad at her when she’s being naughty though. She’s just too damn cute.

She’s almost 6 months old now. She enjoys nice long cat naps, treats, climbing up as high as she can get, chasing and catching anything that moves, and if you have anything with even the slightest bit of butter on it she will relentlessly hound you for a lick.

She’s also an expert at pouncing, in my opinion.

She has been a light in what was a rough year, and every day she makes me smile. When I’m having stressful days at work, I now just take a break and fuss her soft tummy for 10 minutes. Instant mood booster.

So world, meet Biscuit! The best kitten ever (not biased or anything).

I can’t wait to watch her grow into an adult this year and cause more chaos.